31 October 2010

GRE Results

Well, I took the GRE on Friday the 29th. To be quite honest, it didn't go as well as I had hoped. My verbal score went up from last year, but not by a huge amount, and my math score actually went down (which was quite disappointing). Since it's on the computer, it automatically gives you the raw score when you are finished with the math and verbal, but it takes 2-3 weeks for the writing sections to be scored. I felt like my essays were far better this year now that I have a better understanding of what they are looking for in these essays, so hopefully those scores went up. I'm also hoping that my percentile scores went up from last year.

I certainly felt more prepared than I did last year, but it was also more important to me this year. I don't know. Regardless, it's behind me and I really doubt it will be the make-it-or-break-it part of my application.

Today, I am spending some time with puppies on my lap, reading up on the professor I'm going to meet with tomorrow. I'll definitely post another update about that tomorrow night... maybe Tuesday night. Wish me luck!


Brandon Nolan said...

Good luck!!! (though I doubt you'll need it!)

Cecile said...

I really hope it went well today! I hope you're home safely now too. B-ham to portland? BRUTAL!

Love you Ash.

Ashley said...

Thanks Brandon! I appreciated the good luck. :)

And Cecile, I love you too! I made it home safe and sound. My mom drove me from to Redmond to Bellingham and back to Redmond, so I only had to do Redmond to Portland.