05 October 2010


I started my OSU application today. I went online to check out due dates and whatnot, and ended up signing in to OSU's admission page and started my application. I need to figure out if I qualify as an Oregon resident or not. I've lived here 5 out of the last 6 years pretty continuously (with the small exception of living in Redmond for a summer and living in Vancouver for a year), but I have never obtained an Oregon driver's license. By the time I start grad school I will have paid income taxes (which are obscene) for 6 years, but I still don't have an OR driver's license. Stupid residency requirements. Looks like I'll be spending some time searching the DMV and OSU webpages to see what actually qualifies me as an OR resident. I don't think it matters either way because I should be able to get funding that will cover most, if not all, of my tuition, but it's still annoying.

Right now, I'm focused on creating checklists and due dates for when all of the different applications are going to be due. OSU is top priority because I like this program the most so far. This is what I have to get done:

1. OSU Application (currently in progress)
2. Submit GRE scores (going to retake it, need to register)
3. Submit transcripts (need to do)
4. Three Letters of Reference (need to talk to my professors again to update LoR from last year)
5. Statement of Intent and Goals (working on 1st draft)
6. Application for Assistantships (emailed Dr. Rowe to see if he has any to offer)
7. Find a major professor (in communication with Dr. Rowe)

I'm also working on trying to contact a professor from WWU, which I mentioned in my last post. In reading his website, I need to prepare the following documents to submit to him as I ask him about the possibility of working with him:

1. Unofficial transcript of undergraduate work
2. Resume
3. Statement of Purpose
4. Unofficial GRE scores
5. Names, addresses, telephones, and email for 3 references

I also still want to spend some time looking into UW. I just spent this last weekend in Seattle with 2 friends and was reminded of how much I love that area. Not that I really needed a reminder of why I love being near home and my family and my puppies, but I forgot how much I like Seattle.

I'm proctoring 3 exams today, which means I get to sit in silence for quite a while. That means time to research, research, and write!

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