15 October 2010


Newest update: I have registered for the GRE. I'm going to be retaking it on October 29th. That means it is definitely time to get my butt in gear and study for it!

Also, I just sent my information to Dr. Shawn Rowe (OSU guy) and Dr. Alejandra Acevedo (WWU) guy. This info includes my transcripts, GRE scores (embarrassing), references, resume, and a 2-page introduction of my career goals and research interests. Shout out to Holly Goodrich for helping me edit that! I really appreciate it!!

Hopefully I will get a reply back from one (if not both) of those professors.

A little off-topic, but still really exciting! This weekend I am going to a fundraiser for Killer Whale Tales with my parents! I'm so excited for this. Killer Whale Tales is a non-profit organization that goes to schools around Washington educating kids about killer whales, salmon, and their environment. Just looking at this website, it looks like my dream job. When I was at Concordia, I worked with the Audubon Society for my senior practicum, and I got to go to elementary schools in the Portland area with an environmental educator from Audubon to teach kids about Pacific NW animals. We brought in birds skeletons and wings and animal pelts and just talked about the different ecosystems. It was AWESOME. So if I were to ever work with KWT, I would get to do the same thing, but for WHALES! Hence, dream job.

The idea is to go to the fundraiser and hopefully talk with the director, Jeff Hogan, about what I would need to do to get a job there. Wish me luck on that one!

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