Questions for the Blogger

1) What will you do with your degree?
Good question! I don't really know. I would love to work at an educational institution, government agency, or non-profit organization. I see myself working for the Seattle Aquarium, or teaching university classes, or working for NOAA, or maybe even working for Conservation International or World Wildlife Foundation. The biggest thing right now is that a PhD will open doors for me down the road.

2) What other things are you interested in?
A lot, which is why it was hard for me to pick a major and career direction. I love literature, history, theology, art, music, and I'm becoming more interested in politics. One of my favorite professors in college told me that I was Renaissance woman because of all my interests, and I've always treasured that description.

3) What activities and skills do you want to learn?
Ok, I don't know if anyone would ever ask me this question, but since this blog as become sort of a way to hold myself accountable for grad school, I figure it'd be a great way to keep myself learning other new skills! I plan to learn to scuba dive, sail, and kayak. I also want to learn to speak Spanish and German. So these are more goals for me to meet.

I really don't know what other questions people would have for me, so if you have a question, let me know and I'll post it!