21 October 2010

GRE Merriment

This title is actually fairly sarcastic. "Merriment" does not classify my mood with the GRE right now. I've spent every night this week studying for the GRE, and I can't tell if I feel more prepared or less prepared. I'm definitely psyching myself out with the practice questions. I feel like there is so much I don't know, but in reality, I could be doing better than I think. It's something I was talking about in a staff meeting in regards to my students. Students have a fantastic way of psyching themselves out, thinking that nothing they do is good enough, which is why they start to fall behind. I think I'm eating my words right now. I'm not immune to this, as much as I would like to believe that I am!

However, I do find that I have weird little tricks to help me learn new vocab words. My current favorite is putting a "GRE Word of the Day" up on Facebook. Just by posting it and seeing it every time I open Facebook helps to reiterate the definition. Plus it's kind of fun, which always helps make things stick in my head.

I'm also using my timeless technique of flashcards. I'm such a fan of flashcards. I keep telling my students that it is one of the best ways to learn because you can take it everywhere!

Last night I worked on math. I like math. I enjoy algebra and geometry is kind of fun. But I hate fractions and decimals and patterns. I've never been good with these. I had a really terrible 4th grade teacher, so when it comes to certain fundamental skills, I have none. I don't know how to solve decimal problems to save my life. And I have the weirdest multiplication technique ever. Ask me sometime and I'll show you. Therefore learning these skills right now is killing me. Tonight I plan to spend a good 5 hours in the library, brushing up on my math. Woo-hoo.

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