08 August 2011

Back to Blogging

Well, after my hiatus from blogging (and actually a hiatus from the grad school search), I've made my triumphant return! Small update: I moved back up to the Seattle area, and I now am working at Starbucks. I like the job enough, but it has definitely become a motivation to go back to school. It's just validated that I'm not interesting in working for a big company, even at the entry level position. I loved working at Concordia University, which could definitely have been one reason I was complacent about going to grad school. I was quite comfortable. So quitting and moving was a good choice because it's giving me the motivation to actually pursue a career I really want. To quote Joey from Friends, I needed the fear! This is what he tells Rachel to get her to quit the coffeehouse. Essentially, my mom told me the same thing. I really really really really miss Portland and my friends and my job, but I know that this was the direction I needed to go.

I took the GRE (again...) on July 20 and just got my scores back today.
Verbal: score 570, percentile 80
Quantitative: score 650, percentile 59
Writing: score 5.5 (out of 6), percentile 94
I'm happy with my verbal and writing scores. I wish quantitative could have been higher, but it was definitely an improvement from the last time, so I guess I'll take it.

This week's goal: Identify 7 professors of interest at different schools and track down recent research papers for them. By next Monday, I want to trim this list down to 5 that I will contact. I need to be prepared when I contact them, so I need to be up-to-date on their current research projects.

Here it goes!

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