29 December 2010

A Decision!

Well, the general response from people is that Beam Reach sounds like quite the opportunity! I definitely agree. It is. I get excited thinking about it. Sooo.... this weekend will be spent working on the application. Granted, the application is only my contact info and a paragraph as to why I want to participate, but I feel like it has to be one damn good paragraph for them to accept me!

This of course does raise other questions. I need to figure out the financial side of this. Questions such as "how long will I stay at Concordia?" and "will my loans go back into deferment?" and "who will give me another loan to pay for it?" are all going to come into play. Money is something that really makes me nervous... and a bit excited. I like trying to figure out my finances and how to save my money, but at the same time, it freaks me out because I have so many loans to pay back. Thank you Concordia. You have taught me many things, not the least of which is how expensive a private education is!

I wouldn't take it back. For all you Concordians reading this, I'm not complaining about my time there. I'm just complaining about my money (or lack thereof).

Hopefully, with completing the Beam Reach program, I will have a better idea of what I want to do. I'm assuming that one of two things will come out of it.
1) I will love it, and love research (or tolerate research), and will make enough connections with the UW campus that I can find a professor to supervise me for a MS or PhD.
2) I will discover I don't like research, but can still use this for my resume and hopefully network enough to get a job in the field.

I shall keep everyone updated!


Danielle said...

Woohoo! So glad!

Backofpack said...

Sounds really good Ashley. I hope it works out! And you know, about those loans, pshhh...you are gonna have loans no matter what, so you might as well have fun while you are paying them.